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best Server RAM retailer company in Bangladesh.

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Dell Server RAMShop Now
HP Server RAMShop Now
Samsung server RAMShop Now

Dell servers use the most common type of server RAM, which is DDR4 RDIMM. It offers several types of RAM. To get leads from DDR3 and DDR4, you can use the Dell Brand Server. Dell 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB DDR4 RAM are the most user-friendly server storage.

It is a high-performance memory module that is designed for the HP brand. HP servers offer different advantages over other server RAMs.

For their reliability and speedy performance, they are catching up in the top place in the server access memory field. Samsung offers a number of storage servers.

Our latest items

Improve Your Data Center With The Latest Server RAM

The latest server, Random Access Memory, offers significant performance improvements over previous generations. This is especially beneficial for extensive memory and analytical workloads. Upgrading read-only memory technologies also consumes less power than previous generations. It can help you reduce your operating costs and improve your data center. Upgrading server RAM is essential to meeting the new technological demands. Data centers deal with massive amounts of information. So, it needs to be extended.

Latest Server RAM

What is The Significance of Server RAM?

Server memory is important for several reasons. First, it allows servers to run multiple applications smoothly without experiencing performance degradation. Second, it is capable of reformatting their slot modules, like DDR3 to DDR4. Third, it can improve the overall performance of server-based applications, such as databases, web servers, and email servers.

Key Features DDR4 Server RAM

DDR4 RAM servers have more significant roles, like performance, capacity, and efficiency.

  • Higher speed: It operates at a higher speed than DDR3.
  • Capacity increased: DDR4 RAM modules are available with a capacity of up to 128 GB. Which is four times greater than the maximum capacity of the DDR3 RAM module.
    Overall, the DDR4 series RAM module has a greater advantage over the DDR3.

Dedicated Server Memory in Bangladesh

Dedicated server memory in Bangladesh is available from different vendors, like Server RAM Bangladesh, XeonBD, Alpha Net, Crystal Computers, etc. Server RAM Bangladesh is an authorized server slot seller in Bangladesh. Here you will get all kinds of dedicated server memory, like DDR4, DDR5, 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, and other different extended labels.
When you choose Dell RAM, HP RAM, and other server RAM in Bangladesh, you should follow the factors

  • Price
  • RAM configuration
  • Provider reputations

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                   Maintenance Tips


To maintain a server memory-installed device, if you follow some tricks, it is beneficial for you to get long-lasting service from your devices. Let’s see how.

  • Regular check and update.
  • Temperature control
  • check error monitoring
  • Update Configuration.
  • Regularly test stability.
    By following this statement regularly, it will be easy to maintain the RAM-installed device.

                      Installation Tips



  • Prepare the right way: Before installing the server memory, ensure it has been assembled the right way.
  • Shutdown server: shut down the server before installing.
  • Identify the RAM slot: Follow the manufacturer guidelines to identify the RAM slot chamber.
  • Align Properly: To see the slot surface and backend, set the RAM server.
  • Rolling a test bot: After setting it properly, perform a testing boot to detect that there are no immediate issues.
  • Check the system requirements: Access the server BIOS to confirm that the new server RAM module is recognized and properly configured.

Frequently Asked Questions

RAM is a type of computer memory that is built to do faster work than regular RAM. It has a higher capacity to perform robustly

It totally depends on your work demands. So, before purchasing the server memory module, first select your needs.

Yes, you could. Be aware of the installation time. Because it has some major setting requirements at the upgrading time

It is important for the smooth and efficient workloads of servers

Server RAM Bangladesh offers a wide variety of server memory, including high-frequency built-in quality. And to get a reasonable price for every capacity of RAM, you could choose us.

The most common types of RAM are DDR3, DDR4, and DDR5. DDR3 is the oldest RAM module, though it is used widely. DDR4 is a newer Server RAM


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